Welcome to
Pāpāmoa Primary School

Growing Successful Learners 

Ngā mihi nui whānau

Nau mai haere mai ki te kura mātua ā Pāpāmoa 

Ko Taranaki te maunga

Ko Hangatahu te awa

Ko Kurahaupō te waka

Ko Taranaki te iwi

Ko Tarawainuku te marae 

Ko Simeon toku whānau

Ko Matt toku ingoa

Ko tumuaki te kura mātua ā Pāpāmoa

Kia ora and warm greetings to all new whānau and visitors to Pāpāmoa Primary School!

As the Principal of this vibrant school, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our community. Our school is located in the heart of Pāpāmoa, just a stone's throw away from the beautiful Pāpāmoa Beach. We are proud to offer a safe and nurturing learning environment that is underpinned by strong values of Care - Manaakitanga, Commitment - Kia Manawanui, Courage - Kia Maia and being Connected - Whanaungatanga. 

At Pāpāmoa Primary School, we believe that every child has the potential to succeed and thrive, and we are committed to providing an education that caters to the needs and interests of each individual learner. Our highly skilled and dedicated team work tirelessly to create engaging and challenging learning experiences that inspire our students to become curious and confident lifelong learners.

We are also committed to building strong relationships with our whānau and wider community, and we encourage and value the involvement of parents and caregivers in their child's education. 

I invite you to explore our school website where you will find useful information about our school, our staff, our curriculum, and our community. We look forward to meeting you and your family and sharing in the exciting journey of learning and growth that awaits your child at Pāpāmoa Primary School.

Noho ora mai,

Matt Simeon
Tumuaki | Principal

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Our Team

Senior Leadership Team

Matt Simeon


[email protected]

Sara Travers

Deputy Principal

[email protected]

Anna Oglesby

Deputy Principal

[email protected]

Hannah Mortimore


[email protected]

Tiepa Tahana

Kaiārahi Te Ä€o Māori

[email protected]

Te Manawanui - Reo Rua

Tiepa Tahana

Kaiārahi Te Ä€o Māori

[email protected]

Olivia Hayward


Te Manawanui 1

[email protected]

Kahurangi Poa

Kaiako - Job Share

Te Manawanui 2

[email protected]

Jennie Abbot

Kaiako - Job Share

Te Manawanui 2

[email protected]

Layton Brosnahan


Te Manawanui 3

[email protected]

Catherine Mahoney


Te Manawanui 4

[email protected]

Mōtītī Year 5 & 6

Erin Burningham

Team Leader

Mōtītī 3

[email protected]

Tia Robinson


Mōtītī 1

[email protected]

Alana Laupama


Mōtītī 2

[email protected]

Catherine McLeod


Mōtītī 4

[email protected]

Hannah O'Kane


Mōtītī 5

[email protected]

Bruce Greet

Classroom Release


[email protected]

Tūhua Year 3 & 4

Filipe Prieto

Team Leader

Tūhua 4

[email protected]

Katie Larsen


Tūhua 1

[email protected]

Melissa Rumney


Tūhua 2

[email protected]

Jemma Rapson


Tūhua 3

[email protected]

Kate Williamson

Teacher - Job Share

Tūhua 5

[email protected]

Kylie Goodhue

Teacher - Job Share

Tūhua 5

[email protected]

Kelly Soutar


Tūhua 6

[email protected]

Matakana Year 2

Angie Haman

Team Leader

Matakana 3

[email protected]

Frances Pitts


Matakana 1

[email protected]

Olivia Murray


Matakana 2

[email protected]

Chrissy Pickering


Matakana 4

[email protected]

Sarah McGovern

Classroom Release


[email protected]

Karewa New Entrants - Year 1

Kate Hooper

Team Leader

Karewa 5

[email protected]

Ange Braddock


Karewa 1

[email protected]

Tracey Dunlop


Karewa 2

[email protected]

Jeanette Biddick


Karewa 3

[email protected]

Michelle Hall

Teacher - Job Share

Karewa 4

[email protected]

Stormie Ivamy

Teacher - Job Share

Karewa 4

[email protected]

Heather Robertson


Karewa 6

[email protected]

Admin Team

Rochelle Goninon

Office Manager

[email protected]

Joyce Corbishley


[email protected]

Amy Mellor


[email protected]

Learning Support

Hannah Mortimore


[email protected]

Andrea James

Reading Recovery/Specialist ORS Teacher

[email protected]

Sarah Kraling

Specialist ORS Teacher

[email protected]

Gayle Eyers

Reading Recovery

[email protected]

Rebekah Robinson

Teacher Aide/ELL Lead

[email protected]

Francis Osborne

Teacher Aide

[email protected]

Hazel Hokianga

Teacher Aide

[email protected]

Jess Harper

Teacher Aide

[email protected]

Becky Chicken

Teacher Aide

[email protected]

Michelle White

Teacher Aide

[email protected]

Jessica McNeill

Teacher Aide

[email protected]

Jasvir Kaur

Teacher Aide

[email protected]

Kendra Reynolds

Teacher Aide

[email protected]

Caitlin Hollard

Teacher Aide

[email protected]

Faziyah Bibi

Teacher Aide

[email protected]

Holly Wratt-Groeneweg

Teacher Aide

[email protected]

Aashima Bhardwaj

Teacher Aide

[email protected]

Sports Coordinator

Kirsten Crossan

Sports Coordinator

[email protected]


Chanelle Jacob


[email protected]


Mike Le Cocq

Property Manager

[email protected]

Kiwi Can

Olivia Clague

Kiwican Leader

[email protected]

Ben Percy

Kiwican Leader

[email protected]

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees (BOT) are a group of elected parents who govern our school. It is their responsibility, along with the principal, to provide clear direction for the school’s future. The BOT help ensure quality learning takes place within our great school.

The Pāpāmoa Primary School Board of Trustee Members are proud to be working to help shape the future of the tamariki in our community through their governance of the school. The Board strives to provide modern and safe learning environments and tools to support the school’s teaching teams and to inspire and motivate our students to aim higher by learning to raise their aspirations.

The Board operates under a Presiding Member (Chairperson) and consists of parent representatives elected by the school community, the Principal and a staff-elected representative.

Board meetings are usually held twice per term, with other meetings and discussions happening when needed between the elected members and the Principal. 

Should you like to know more about our school board of trustees, please email the Presiding Member [email protected]

Board Meeting Dates 


BOT Meetings

Term: One
Week: 4
Day/Date: Tuesday 27th Feb 2024
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Staffroom
Term: One
Week: 8
Day/Date: Tuesday 26th Mar 2024
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Staffroom
Term: Two
Week: 4
Day/Date: Tuesday 21st May 2024
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Staffroom
Term: Two
Week: 10
Day/Date: Wednesday 3rd Jul 2024
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Staffroom
Term: Three
Week: 4
Day/Date: Tuesday 13th Aug 2024
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Staffroom
Term: Three
Week: 8
Day/Date: Tuesday 10th Sep 2024
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Staffroom
Term: Four
Week: 4
Day/Date: Tuesday 5th Nov 2024
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Staffroom
Term: Four
Week: 9
Day/Date: Tuesday 10th Dec 2024
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Staffroom


Board Meeting Minutes 


Board Meeting February 2024

Download .pdf

Board Meeting December 2023

Download .pdf

Board Meeting September 2023

Download .pdf

Board Meeting June 2023

Download .pdf

Board Meeting May 2023

Download .pdf

Board Meeting April 2023

Download .pdf

Board Meeting February 2023

Download .pdf

Board Meeting December 2022

Download .pdf

Board Meeting November 2022

Download .pdf

Board Meeting September 2022

Download .pdf

Board Meeting August 2022

Download .pdf

Board Meeting July 2022

Download .pdf

Board Meeting June 2022

Download .pdf

Board Meeting May 2022

Download .pdf

Board Elections


Parent Election Results Declaration (no voting election required)

At the close of nominations, as the number of valid nominations was fewer than the
number of vacancies required to be filled, I hereby declare the following duly elected:


Brooks, Amber

Divehall, Mark



Rochelle Goninon
Returning Officer

Kiwi Can



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Kiwi Can is a life skills and values programme that we are fortunate to offer at Pāpāmoa School, and all our students attend a Kiwi Can lesson once a week. We have two trained Kiwi Can Leaders, who are awesome role models for our students, deliver high-energy, interactive and, most importantly, fun lessons.

The programme from the Foundation for Youth Development teaches essential life skills and values like resilience, health, respect, integrity and manners. It aims to equip young New Zealanders with:

  • A sense of self-worth and self-confidence
  • The ability to take responsibility and be accountable for actions
  • Valuable life skills
  • A 'can do' attitude to the challenges of life

For more information about the Kiwi Can Programme visit https://dinglefoundation.org.nz/kiwi-can/


Student Leadership